Friday 6 October 2017

Green minds think alike

Release date: 
Fri, 06/10/2017 (All day)
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This week The Wildlife Trusts published a report, based on research carried out by the University of Essex, that emphasises the positive effects of volunteering in nature on people’s mental health. Jules Pretty, Vice-president of Essex Wildlife Trust, is Professor of Environment and Society at the University of Essex and was involved in the research project. This summer, Jules kindly wrote a broader article in ‘Essex Wildlife’, the magazine for members of Essex Wildlife Trust, about the vital health services that nature provides. Here is the fascinating article for all to read:

At the University of Essex we have worked for 15 years on how natural environments produce mental and physical health benefits for us all. We have called this green exercise. It works for all people, young and old, rich and poor, all cultural groups, in all green environments, whether urban park or nature reserve, whether wild or farmed, small or large. We have shown that a five-minute dose of nature brings immediate well-being: just go outside. All activities work too, and most people receive an additional benefit from social engagement – doing things together.

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